
The Department of Economic and Social Sciences (DiSES) was established on 1 July 2011 from the merger of the Department of Economics with the Historical and Sociological area of the Department of Social Sciences, and the Applied Economics area of the Department of Management and Industrial Organization.

As of August 31, 2021, 40 professors and researchers are affiliated with the Department: 23 belong to the economic area, 6 to economic statistics, 7 to the social sciences area, and 4 to economic history. The technical and administrative staff is made up of 9 people: the administrative secretary, 4 administrative and 4 technicians.

The main research areas developed concern: Growth and Economic Development, Demography, Econometrics, International Economics and Trade, Environmental Economics, Labor Economics, Industrial, Business and Innovation Economics, Monetary Economics, Public Economics, Regional Economics, Macroeconomics, Economic Sociology, Social and Health Organizations, Economic Statistics, History of Economic Thought, and Economic History.

The degree programs related to the Department in the academic year 2021/2022 are five:
1) Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Commerce;
2) Master’s degree in International Economics and Commerce;
3) Master’s degree in Economics and Finance;
4) Master’s degree in Data Science for Economics and Business;
5) PhD’s degree in Economics.

Since 1983, the Department has published a series of Working Papers, indexed and available online in RePEC (Research Papers in Economics) repository. In the RePEC ranking, DiSES Working Papers belong to the top 10% by number of downloads.

DiSES is home to the Interdepartmental Center for Research and Service on Social and Health Integration (CRISS). Its primary objective is to encourage, experiment and disseminate innovation in the field of social and health systems.
DiSES adheres to the Interdepartmental Center for Landscape Research (CIRP) and the Interdepartmental Research and Services Centers Smart Living Lab and CRISMAT (center for innovations and methodologies applied to the third sector).